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Gospode Boze Sila, Boze spasenja nasega Boze, koji sam cinis cudesa, udostoj svoje smerne sluge i milostivo pogledaj na nas, kao covekoljubiv saslusaj nas i smiluj nam se. Evo, neprijatelji se udruzise protiv nas, da nas uniste i razore Svetinje nase, a Ti koji znas sve, znas da su nepravedno ustali na nas, a da se mi ne mozemo odupreti njihovom mnostvu ako nam Ti ne pomognes. Stoga, mi gresni i nedostojni, kajuci se, sa suzama Tebi se molimo: Pomozi nam, Boze Spasitelju nas, i izbavi nas radi slave imena Tvog, da ne bi rekli neprijatelji nasi: "Gle, Bog ih je ostavio, i nema Onoga ko ih izbavlja i spasava", (Psalam 70/71:11) vec da poznaju svi narodi da si Ti Bog nas, a mi deca Tvoja uvek zasticena Tvojom moci. Pokazi na nama Tvoju milost, Gospode, da se i na nas odnose reci koje je Mojsije uputio Izrailju rekavsi: "Budite odvazni, stojte i videcete spasenje od Gospoda, jer ce se Gospod boriti za vas!" (2. Mojsije 14:13,14). Daj nam dobro znamenje, da vide svi koji mrze nasu pravoslavnu veru i nas, te da se posrame i smire. Gospode Boze, Spasitelju, snago, nado i branicu nas, ne pomeni bezakonja i nepravdu naroda Tvoga, ne okreni se od nas u gnevu svom, nego nas udostoj svoje milosti i poseti smerne sluge svoje. Dodji nam u pomoc i rasprsi lukave savete onih sto nam zlo misle; sudi onima koji nas vredjaju i pokori one koji nas napadaju; njihovu bestidnu drskost obrati u strah i bekstvo. Oprosti grehe onima kojima si dodelio da u borbi poloze zivote svoje za veru nasu, i slobodu naseg naroda i Otacastva, i u dan pravednoga Suda Tvog podari im vence slave koji ne venu. (1. Petr. 5:4) Jer Ti si branic, pobeda i spasenje svih onih koji se u Tebe nadaju i slave Tebe - Oca i Sina i Svetoga Duha sada i svagda, kroza sve vekove.
Lord God of Hosts, God of our salvation, God who alone does wonders, make Your humble servants worthy and mercifully look upon us, as the Lover of humankind, hear us and have mercy on us. Behold, our enemies have gathered together against us, to destroy us and to demolish our Sanctuaries, and You who know all, know that they have unjustly risen up against us, so that we cannot withstand their multitudes unless You help us. Therefore, sinful and unworthy, repenting, with tears we pray You: Help us, God our Saviour, and rescue us for the glory of Your name, so that our enemies might not say: "Behold, God has forsaken them, and there is none to deliver and save them" (Ps. 71:11); rather that all peoples may know that You are our God, and we Your children are always sheltered by Your might. Show us Your mercy, Lord, so that the words spoken by Moses to Israel may apply to us: "Be steadfast, persevere and you shall see the salvation of the Lord, for the Lord will do battle for you! (Exodus 14:13-14). Give us a good sign, so that those who hate our Orthodox Faith and us may see, and that they will be ashamed and relent.
Lord God, our Saviour, strength, hope and defence, do not remember the transgressions and injustice of Your people, do not turn away from us in Your wrath, but instead make us worthy of Your mercy and visit Your humble servants. Come to our assistance and scatter the cunning counsels of those who wish us evil; judge those who offend us, conquer those who attack us; turn their shameless impudence into fear and flight. Forgive the sins of those to whom You have granted the laying down of their lives in battle for our faith, and for the freedom of our people in the Fatherland, and in the day of Your righteous Judgment grant them crowns of glory which will not fade 1 Peter 5:4). For You are the defence, victory and salvation of all who hope in You and glorify You -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
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